NIC Birth Date Finder: Unveiling the Secrets Behind National Identity Cards


In today's technologically advanced world, where information is readily accessible, decoding hidden details can be both intriguing and useful. This blog post explores a fascinating code snippet that enables users to extract birth date information from a National Identity Card (NIC) number. We will delve into the functionality of the code, its implementation using HTML, JavaScript, and jQuery, and understand the significance of this tool.

Understanding the NIC Birth Date Finder:

1.1 Purpose: The NIC Birth Date Finder code is designed to extract birth date and gender information from a valid NIC number.

1.2 Technologies Used: HTML, JavaScript, and the jQuery library.

1.3 How it Works: By inputting a valid NIC number into the provided field and clicking the "Find" button, the code processes the number and reveals the gender and birth date associated with it.

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Implementation Details:

2.1 HTML Structure: The code employs HTML elements to create a simple user interface, including an input field, a "Find" button, and output areas for displaying errors, gender, and birth date information.

2.2 JavaScript and jQuery: The core functionality is implemented using JavaScript, with the jQuery library facilitating DOM manipulation and event handling.

2.3 Processing the NIC Number: The code validates the length and format of the NIC number and then extracts the year, day, and gender information from it.

2.4 Gender Determination: The code differentiates between male and female genders based on a specific range of digits within the NIC number.

2.5 Birth Date Calculation: The code uses a predefined mapping to determine the birth month and day based on the extracted day information from the NIC number.

Usage and Benefits:

3.1 Quick Birth Date Retrieval: This tool provides a convenient way to retrieve the birth date associated with a given NIC number without manual calculations.

3.2 Gender Identification: Along with the birth date, the code also determines the gender, helping users gain additional insights from the NIC number.

3.3 User-Friendly Interface: The simple and intuitive user interface allows individuals to easily input a NIC number and obtain the associated information.

Ethical Considerations:

4.1 Data Privacy: It is crucial to handle sensitive NIC data with care and ensure that it is used responsibly and only with proper consent.

4.2 Compliance with Regulations: Adherence to legal and ethical guidelines is paramount when working with personal identification information.


The NIC Birth Date Finder provides an intriguing and helpful tool for quickly extracting birth date and gender information from NIC numbers. By leveraging HTML, JavaScript, and the jQuery library, this code snippet offers a user-friendly interface and simplifies the process of uncovering hidden details. It is important to emphasize the responsible and ethical usage of such tools, respecting privacy and adhering to legal regulations when handling personal identification data.


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